Raccoon Removal McKinney, TX

Raccoon Removal Specialists For McKinney, TX Homeowners

All is quiet until one day your McKinney, Texas home turns into a scratch and screech fest. You’re not sure what is causing the commotion in the attic or basement, but you know one thing.

The time has come to contact the licensed and bonded team of animal removal professionals at Brinker.

For more than 35 years, we have offered highly rated home services that include removing raccoons from McKinney, TX homes. What started out as word of mouth recommendations has morphed into online praise at customer review sites such as Google and Yelp. Brinker has received accreditation from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), as well as earned the consumer advocacy organization’s highest rating of A+.

If you have a raccoon infestation, you cannot afford to pinch pennies by hiring an inexperienced team of animal removal employees.

Aggressive Behavior Makes Raccoons Dangerous

Raccoons turn aggressive when they perceive a threat. Just ask a domesticated cat what it’s like dealing with an angry raccoon. Imagine the threat a pregnant mother raccoon perceives, as she begins to hiss and claw when she sees someone trying to get to the nest. Mother raccoons of young offspring learning the ropes outdoors are also extremely hostile to anything that approaches the family. In response to threats, raccoons can unleash razor sharp claws and teeth that send a full grown adult to the emergency room for treatment. Raccoon bites often lead to rabies and the recovery from a series of rabies shots is not something you want to experience.

Because of the dangers posed by raccoons, you need to hire a certified home services contractor to remove the wild animals immediately from your McKinney, Texas home.

Repairing Raccoon Damage in McKinney, Texas

Raccoons have the potential to devastate your home. It all starts when a pregnant raccoon builds a nest to offer comfort and safety for the babies. Anything in your attic or basement is fair game, including old magazines and newspapers, as well as the clothes you have stored on hangers. Raccoons easily slice and dice their way through soft objects, but the real damage comes when raccoons begin clawing and gnawing on wall insulation and wooden support beams. One raccoon has the strength and tenacity to shred electrical wiring insulation and thus, take you and your family off the electrical grid.

Brinker Animal Removal does much more than eliminate your raccoon problem. We also perform a restoration project that returns your home to mint condition. As the leading home services company in the greater Dallas metroplex, we know how to repair the damage caused by destructive raccoons. Our certified team of raccoon removal specialists has earned the reputation for delivering high quality work at affordable costs for McKinney, TX homeowners.

Prevention is 100% of the Cure

Remember the timeless adage of “Prevention is 100% of the cure for what ails you. The timeless adage typically applies to your health, but our team of raccoon removal experts likes to use it for addressing raccoon infestations. We understand the best way to eliminate raccoons involves preventing the wild animals from entering your home.

Raccoon prevention starts by sealing the medium and large size holes and cracks located along the roof and around the foundation of your house. Raccoons require larger openings to gain entrance to homes than the size of openings rodents need to move into an attic or basement. Famished raccoons stop at nothing to eat food stored in the kitchen, especially during winter when food sources outdoors become unavailable. We recommend storing dry food in thick plastic containers placed on the upper shelves of tightly shut cabinets.

Call our office or fill out the online form to schedule an initial meeting that determines how we plan to remove raccoons from your McKinney, Texas home.


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